What Role is Artificial Rest Playing in Your Leadership?
While on a phone call with a leader last week, she wanted to discuss how stressed out she was…in the middle of summer! I asked her, “What are you doing to take a break and rest?” After a few minutes of reflection, she admitted that most of her rest involved an electronic device of some […]
Lead Your Leader
Leading your leader is not part of the job description. When you became a VP, you were not expecting to lead your President. If you are a CEO, the board is there to give you direction, right? Not the other way around. But here’s the reality: Great leadership engages the people below, to the side, […]
The Missing Link Between Work and Happiness
The other night, my wife Marta and I were having dinner, and we drew this question from our acrylic box of conversation starters: “Does work contribute to your happiness or take away from it?” As I thought about my answer, I realized – my work is indeed work. Some days it is hard . . […]
What Do I Want? That is the question.
“If you want to lead others well, you must first lead yourself well.” This is one of the most transformative lessons I have learned in leadership. Leading yourself well starts with the question, “What do I want?” — a question that so many leaders rarely stop to ask themselves. Their first answer tends to be […]